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Zip files in a common directory that share the same base name (i.e., file name sans path and extension). Zipped file includes all relevant files zipped into a single, compressed file named as: projectid + basefile name + md5sum + extension (zip).


zipRelatedFiles(pathToFile, targetFile)



quoted name of the directory where the target file is located directory


quoted name of target data file to which other file names in the prescribed directory will be evalated directory


the zipped file name for inclusion in the EML documentation - not relevant when run independently


zipRelatedFiles is a helper function designed primarily to assist the creation of EML spatial data objects. A spatial data entity often consists of more than one file (e.g., shapefiles; raster (*.img, *.xml)) that are incorporated into a single zipped file for upload to PASTA. This function zips related files as determined by the same base file name (e.g., CAP_1985.img and CAP_1985.img.aux.xml share the same base name and would be zipped). In keeping with the CAP LTER workflow for generating EML metadata, the resulting compressed file is named projectid + basefile name + md5sum + extension (zip). Though intended primarily as a helper function, zipRelatedFiles can be run independently.


zipRelatedFiles is specific to UNIX operating environments.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
  pathToFile = "~/folder/",
  targetFile = "CAP_1985.img")
} # }